Okay, so I missed the first day of Invisible Illness Week, but I have an excuse...my invisible illness had me flat out! So, better late than never, right? Invisible Illness Awareness Week is an important event to increase the public's awareness of how prevalent illness is in our society. Everything from rheumatoid arthritis to MS to Crohn's disease to dysautonomia is encompassed in the invisible illness label. Many people struggle day to day with their illnesses, and their caregivers often struggle just as much. We need to offer support for the chronically ill and their caregivers and families because, unfortunately, most of us will have our lives touched by an invisible illness at some point in our lives.
Last year I did a 3 part series on Invisible Illness including You Look Good, You Must Be Better Right?, What NOT To Say, and The Push-Crash Cycle. I thought this would be a good time to revisit those posts as it is important to remember that just because you can't see it, doesn't mean it isn't a devastating illness. I hope that you all find these helpful!